Editorial Information

Disclosure According to § 5 ECG and § 25 (2) and (4) Austrian Media Act

Schindler Rechtsanwälte GmbH
Kohlmarkt 8-10
1010 Vienna | Austria

T +43 1 512 2613
F +43 1 512 2613 888


UID: ATU 68813108
DVR: 4014414
ADVM: P131847
FN 418090 p (HG Wien)

Managing Directors

DDr. Clemens Philipp Schindler
Mag. Martin Abram
Mag. Florian Cvak

Object of Business

The object of business of the company is to practice law, in particular, through the business activities of the company Schindler Rechtsanwälte GmbH, including all transactions, measures and assistance as required for the object of business.
The lawyers at Schindler Rechtsanwälte GmbH are subject to relevant legislation for attorneys-at-law (RAO and RL-BA). Supervision lies in the competence of the Rechtsanwaltskammer Wien (Vienna Bar Association).

Professional Title: Rechtsanwälte

Issuing Country: Austria / Österreich